Tenor Sax Brands
22:19 on Friday, July 1, 2005
Hey all what would be a good Tenor sax to buy? The two I have seen for my price range that I just want to check up on are
and a soprano I want
What do you think about these brands? Any suggestions on the brand I should look for?
Re: Tenor Sax Brands
23:31 on Friday, July 1, 2005
schill and bundy are good student horns. solid, well playing, but only a student horn. Actually, the only schill i`ve played was a soprano, and I think it was a student horn. Not bad though.
Now, you need to watch out for the moniques. In general, they either suck or rock. find out where teh dealer gets the sax, from China or taiwan. China saxes in general suck, though some are good, and vice versa for taiwan.
Re: Tenor Sax Brands
22:06 on Saturday, July 2, 2005
Ya, I`m just getting into highschool, i`ll be a freshman and i just want a good sax to get me through highschool...
Re: Tenor Sax Brands
10:24 on Wednesday, July 6, 2005
If you want one just to get you through high school, then I`ve heard tons of good things about the Yamaha student models.....
Myself, I`m saving for a Keilwerth SX90R Shadow Tenor Sax, but I`m about half way there :O
I`ve also had fairly good experiences with Jupiter student models, which are especially cheap (in cost)...
Re: Tenor Sax Brands
17:52 on Friday, July 8, 2005
Ah okay thank you! So now I know which ones are best... Yamaha, Jupiter, all the big name brands that I`m hearing everywhere lolz...
Anyone know anything bout Laurel saxophones?
Re: Tenor Sax Brands
19:47 on Friday, July 8, 2005
Re: Tenor Sax Brands
21:35 on Saturday, July 16, 2005
What about Bently? I`ve found an awesome soprano and tenor from Bently on Ebay for about 200 each. Is Bently a good sax maker?