12:56 on Monday, July 4, 2005
I want to buy a alto sax i want to know if Kohlert is a good brand. Specifically the Kohlert 450 Alto Sax.
Re: Kohlert
15:25 on Monday, July 4, 2005
yo kirssyissy i saw the history for the kolhert saxophone and i think its a good sax..........even its going old schoool `.`
Re: Kohlert
00:27 on Tuesday, July 5, 2005
I don`t think that`s REALLY a vintage Kohlert horn. It`s a new horn, going under the name Kohlert. The new Kohlert horns are made in China or Vietnam, and are Selmer SA80 copies. I`ve heard that they aren`t *that* bad, but I would still probably stay away from them. What is your budget? What is your skill level?
Re: Kohlert
20:47 on Tuesday, July 5, 2005
I neva played a sax in mah lyfe buh i want to trii and may budget iz like below 500-600.
Re: Kohlert
10:35 on Wednesday, July 6, 2005
In that case, try the Kohlert horn. But please, get a beginning saxophone book. And don`t get frustertated.