comment on saxophone brand: Jupiter
11:00 on Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Can anyone tell me how `Jupiter` rates as a brand of saxophone? I brought a tenor `jupiter` sax some time ago (with hard case, stand, cleaning equip... all the bits and pieces one needs), I knew nothing about saxophones at the time. I`m looking to sell it now and wondering if the brand is any good and what is a reasonable price. I paid $1000 for it (it was pre-owned) and have had it probably 5 years but its spent almost all that time in its hard case... Its still in the same condition as when I purchased it as far as I can tell. What should I ask for it now?
Re: comment on saxophone brand: Jupiter
16:32 on Tuesday, July 12, 2005
depends what model and if its a alto..tenor..barri, and teh condition. if its till tip top than $600-800 would be to sell it by urself. but ud only get about $200-350 if u sell it to a store that buys saxes... but u gota play ur options and look a last resort ---ebay
Re: comment on saxophone brand: Jupiter
20:07 on Tuesday, July 12, 2005
I think that before you sell it to anyone, you should get an experienced saxophonist to test its playability. I know you`ve hardly used it, but it`s still good to be sure. Like tenorman said, you could probably get about $500 to $600 for it if it`s in really good shape.