14:22 on Thursday, July 14, 2005
I have just started playing alto sax and I really need some advice and tips. I am having trouble playing notes above the second octave G. Any avdvice would be great!!!
Thank you
Re: Tips
14:49 on Thursday, July 14, 2005
Above G? Either your to loose or to tight with your lips. Pretty much, just practive and you should figure it out.
Re: Tips
15:32 on Thursday, July 14, 2005
i also started a couple of weeks ago and i can`t play high D
Re: Tips
20:22 on Thursday, July 14, 2005
which high d?... if its the actualy high d... thats understandable... but since you cant go past g then im guessing your thinking of the middle octave...
thats wierd... what does it sound like when you try to play it? you could be doing something wierd with your embreshur....or something of that sourse... or it could be the sax
Re: Tips
20:23 on Thursday, July 14, 2005
whoops... ithought that was the same person lmao
Re: Tips
22:07 on Thursday, July 14, 2005
just work on it.
Re: Tips
01:02 on Friday, July 15, 2005
Here are some embouchure tips.
- First, make your mouth into an "oo" shape; this is how your mouth should wrap around the mouthpiece.
- Make sure your top teeth are biting down on the mouthpiece.
- Your bottom lip should be rolled slightly over your bottom teeth.
- Wrap the corners of your mouth around the sides of the mouthpiece, and make sure they make a tight seal. After long periods of playing time, this may be hard to achieve. This is normal. Just let it happen, and you will get a tighter embouchure with practice.
These may be hard to remember at first, but it will become second nature after playing for a few weeks.
Good luck, and happy playing.
Re: Tips
10:46 on Saturday, July 16, 2005
I have been playing the alto for two years, and i think it`s sooo cool! it`s so much fun, and you get to play the melody line in a lot of neat jazz music! playing the higher notes can be tricky. you just have to work at it. when trying to play the really high notes, you have to tighten your corners (the corners of your mouth) and keep your mouth steady and consistent. try not to move your mouth around too much at all when trying to keep a note steady for a long time. it will make your note waver if you do. one other thing, practice does not only make perfect, it also makes permanent. have you ever noticed how if you practice a certain way, you play that way when you go into the band room, or wherever you go. how you practice is how you play, so make sure your holding it right and you are doing the fingerings right, and all that other stuff like articulation and air/breathe control right. it takes a lot of air at first and the notes may not come out as clear, but believe me, you`ll get the hang of it! 
Re: Tips
15:34 on Sunday, July 24, 2005
I for some reason cant get my high F out. I can get every note out except high F. The only way I can get it out is if I start on high E and slur to a high F. Also, my middle G squeaks sometimes, why is this happening?
Re: Tips
19:30 on Sunday, July 24, 2005
Basicly, if you can hit it by sluring, just practice that, and try to get it out without sluring. Eventaully you`ll master it. I`m sorry all I can say is "practice practice" but thats what you need to do; develop your embochure
Re: Tips
15:07 on Monday, July 25, 2005
Thank you everyone  I can now play up to high C.
Re: Tips
22:42 on Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Thank yourself; it was you not us.
help plz!
20:45 on Tuesday, August 9, 2005
hey yall how high of a c and stuff r yall talkin about like have many lines above the staff if yall r talkin about the C thats 5 lines above the staff then hey talk to me i cant seem to get it it comes out slightly but then squeks and i practice as much as possible so its not that