Earlham alto saxophone

Earlham alto saxophone    13:45 on Tuesday, February 14, 2006          

(6 points)
Posted by Nicc

Hi there

I am a clarinet player, but I took up the saxophone almost two years ago to get a place in the local youth jazz orchestra. I love playing sax, even though I don`t have much time other than at rehearsals as all of my home practice focuses mostly on clarinet becuase it is my main instrument.

However, I am currently playing an alto sax owned by the county where I live. I leave school in just over a year and I will no longer be able to keep this sax. For this reason I am looking to buy a cheap sax to keep more for fun than serious playing.

A friend of mine has just bought a new sax and has offered me his old one. It is an Earlham and I`d be interested to know what the quality of this make is, and whether it is better than the Yamaha which I currently play. Even though I only want a cheap sax for myself I still need a fairly good one for the orchestra and I need to know if this is suitable.

Thank you for reading this, I know it was a bit long-winded...


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