Happy With Altissimo

Happy With Altissimo    21:21 on Friday, April 14, 2006          

(12 points)
Posted by Wood_Winds_Rule

I have just successfully sounded all of the altissimo register notes on my seemingly sucky sax without the help of a high f sharp key and now i am just ecstatic. Anyways just thought to say that. Anyone share my excitement?

Re: Happy With Altissimo    01:29 on Saturday, April 15, 2006          

(142 points)
Posted by Dewey

All of the altissimo notes? That's funny. Why don't you tell us which notes those are?

Re: Happy With Altissimo    10:11 on Saturday, April 15, 2006          

(8 points)
Posted by altosaxgeek5

I agree with Dewey. There are altissimo notes that go up to and above D above the D above the staff. Also, hitting altissimo notes one time only the veeerry beginning of your trip throught altissimo. You still have a long way to go.
Congratulations, and good luck.

Re: Happy With Altissimo    09:22 on Sunday, April 16, 2006          

(142 points)
Posted by Dewey

This person posted on April 9, saying that she couldn't play anything over an F, then on April 14, saying that she can now play every possible note on the saxophone. What a joke.

Please do tell me the highest note you can play. Thanks.

Re: Happy With Altissimo    18:44 on Sunday, April 16, 2006          

(102 points)
Posted by Wildband

she said she switched from clarinet, so it's very possible. As for the highest note, it all depends on sax, mouthpiece, and all this other stuff, as you well know. For example, I have one mouthpiece that I can hit maybe a high C or so with, whereas on my jazz mouthpiece, I can go increadibly high,I'd guess at least 3 or 4 octaves off the top, though to be honest I'm not the best at playing that high accuratly, but as far as pulling off a standard trumpet go as high as you can stunt, it's impresive.

So it depends what the definition of register is


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