Re: reeds?

Re: reeds?    03:44 on Tuesday, April 18, 2006          

(5 points)
Posted by senior70

Yes, I will go the whole way to salvage a reed.
I take a new box of reeds and test them all. Then put them in different piles. Those that play well, those that are just O.K. and the rest go in the last pile. I first start with those that are just O.K. Sand, scrape or clip to make them play well. When that is done I do the same with the last pile. Those that do not make the grade I set aside and try again in a few months. Quite often I will be able to bring several of them into playing condition. Does not take alot of time to do this and you get more playable reeds from a box.

Re: reeds?    03:09 on Tuesday, April 25, 2006          

(5 points)
Posted by senior70

Never tried to figure how much I save. I play Alto and soprano sax, plus clarinet. I use 2 mouthpieces on each instrument. I classic for legit music and one for everything else. That is 6 different reeds that I have to keep up with. With the price of reeds, I do my best to save all that I can.


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