Tryout HELP

Tryout HELP    17:37 on Tuesday, April 25, 2006          

(12 points)
Posted by Wood_Winds_Rule

help. i've got tryouts for high school band really soon and would like to know if anyone had any tips for making the piece of music sound more interesting.

Re: Tryout HELP    15:36 on Wednesday, April 26, 2006          

(102 points)
Posted by Wildband

umm... follow the markings purdy much? whats the tune?

Re: Tryout HELP    17:28 on Wednesday, April 26, 2006          

(12 points)
Posted by Wood_Winds_Rule

Um you probably wouldn't know it, it's the region music for region XIX. Anyway it's just a slow (55-60) 9/8 time tune.


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