emanresu00 (40 points)
I am a proud owner of the intermediate $800 USD "Made in Europe by one of the famous instrument manufacturers" ZAS 650 Alto saxophone. Purchased from the Zeus "manufacturer", Alex, at www.zacharymusic.com.
Or was... until today that I decided I am more of a trumpet player and tried to sell my hardly used, shiny sax in order to buy a Zeus trumpet.
I dropped the sax at a reputable store for evaluation yesterday and was asked to drop in today when the sax guy would have had a chance to inspect the instrument.
And I quote:
Guy: "What brand is it?"
Me: "Zeus".
Guy: "Interesting. What model?"
Me: "ZAS 650 model".
Guy: "Where does it say so on the sax?"
Me: "Well... Actually it only has a serial number I think. I got this as a new intermediate model for $800 USD as a bargain. Would you agree with that?"
Guy: "Do you want the truth? This instrument is MADE IN CHINA. It is not even good for student quality. I cannot believe you paid that much for it. It probably cost the guy just $200. I'm sorry but we are not interested in buying it".
Me: "Oh ok. Thanks for your help".
Please note the same conversation times three for the next two hours while I was travelling downtown at three music shops to evaluate the instrument. NO ONE WOULD BUY IT FROM ME FOR MORE THAN $150 CAD!!!!!! And as they rightly guessed, I could not return the instrument. No refund policy from Alex.
How do you explain this? I do not know about the other Zeus instruments but please give me an explanation. Why this lie? Is Zeus reliable? I am really sorry Alex but please try to imagine how It feels being ripped off and therefore poorer by $800 USD.
I could have gotten an awesome sax or trumpet from a reputable brand for that.
Please, please anyone can you post your HONEST comments? The sax guy in my case is REAL, all of them are.
Thank you and God bless.