Hello! In a coulpe of months, I will have an exame and I need to play tree songs.
I play the sax now more or less 5 years and I'm looking for some good pieces of music to play at my exame.
Anybody can give me a hint?
Thanks a lot
Re: a good piece of music to play 15:02 on Thursday, May 18, 2006
I know you have been playing 5 years but what music grade level do you play at 1-6 I would guess a 5 and/or 6. You can try Bozza Aria, technically its not difficult but musically it is challenging to play, or maybe Milhaud's Scaramouche.
Anything by:
Pierre Max Dubois
Bernard Heiden
Paul Creston
These are just a list of composers to take a look at.