
HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    08:29 on Sunday, October 8, 2006          

(16 points)
Posted by jaky

hi i currently play the alto and would like to swap to soprano i was just wondering what does everyone think of the following model elkhart SXSPU-G Bb Curved Soprano Saxophone any advice would be great iv seen them going for 750 on one site but on another for only 450 anything advice would be great!!

Re: HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    18:21 on Thursday, October 12, 2006          

(180 points)
Posted by cjbass

There is a reason that you don't see many people with a curved soprano, that is because the intonation is really bad, (not like the straight soprano is much better). However the new ones might be better, but I would definately try a straight and curved one before you bought a curved, I know comfort is a issue.

Good Luck.


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