Clarinet to Saxophone

Clarinet to Saxophone    13:53 on Wednesday, October 25, 2006          

(23 points)
Posted by YourAverageBoy

I have a few questions about going from clarinet to saxophone because I am thinking bout doing it.

1)Will it take long for me to transition
2)Will it be hard to transition
3)Will playing sax ruin my embrouche
4)Will playing sax make me a worse clarinet player
5)Have any of you had new problems arise because you play saxophone and clarinet?

Re: Clarinet to Saxophone    18:03 on Wednesday, October 25, 2006          

(180 points)
Posted by cjbass

As a saxophonist going now majoring in both saxophone and clarinet here is some advice.

1)Will it take long for me to transition
It should be easier going from clarinet to saxophone. As Lera pointed out the fingerings are similar, but only in the Clarion range (the register key). The fingerings on are clarinet are actually much more complex than a saxophone.
As far as repertory goes, (in classical) they are two very different instruments. Clarinet is considered to be a classical instrument while the saxophone is a contemporary one. All this means is the style that you will play on each will no doubt be different. Having said that there are many transcriptions from classical instruments to the saxophone, and there are many composers that write excellent contemporary pieces for the clarinet.

3)Will playing sax ruin my embrouche
Though the embouchure is is different for both instruments, it will not ruin it. On saxophone your chin doesnt have to be flat. You will learn to adjust by playing both of them.

4)Will playing sax make me a worse clarinet player
No, In fact it will make you a better player, on both instruments.

5)Have any of you had new problems arise because you play saxophone and clarinet?
The problem I had when moving from saxophone only to clarinet is that my fingers were a bit sloppy, so covering the holes on a clarinet added accuracy to my technique, thereby making me not only a better clarinet player but a better saxophonist.

On a side note, all woodwind players should be able to play saxophone, clarinet and flute. At many small colleges the saxophone and clarinet professor are usually one in the same. Also if you ever plan to play in a jazz group, you will be expected to play all three.

Good Luck and Welcome to the Saxophone

Re: Clarinet to Saxophone    19:48 on Wednesday, October 25, 2006          

(23 points)
Posted by YourAverageBoy

Thanks for all the responses =]

I been playign clarinet in bandsince 4th grade and I own a flute but I am not good at it at all. I only know the fingerings for it. My parents are soppose to buy me a sax this xmas or bass clarinet whichever my choice is and if i get a sax i'll get private lessons once every two weeks(we're not all that rich). =/ idk how to get better on flute w/o private lessons so i cna play it just not well

Re: Clarinet to Saxophone    21:58 on Tuesday, October 31, 2006          

(2 points)
Posted by SeeSharp

Nope..I started on Clarinet and changed over after 6 years...
I was 12.
I personally prefer a firmer embouchure when playing.
My tone is a lot like Desmond's ...more of a non-reedy sound than a lot of players. (not that that's a good or bad thing)
Mater of Fact Desmond started on Clarinet..than to Tenor..

You should'nt have any problems...Just play how you think it sounds cool...


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