Is this normal?

Is this normal?    16:49 on Thursday, November 16, 2006          

(15 points)
Posted by Vanilla_Wolf

I'm borrowing a tenor sax until monday, and I only have one reed for it. I took it out today to find the tip wavy. It was completely dry when I put it up, so I don't know why it did that.. Is it going to affect the sound? I'm a greenie when it comes to saxes, so I'm completely lost, lol. I've only been using the reed for about 2 days. Is there any way to prevent it from going wavy?

Re: Is this normal?    03:53 on Friday, November 17, 2006          

(180 points)
Posted by cjbass

It depends on the weather, winter cold plays havoc on reeds, don't worry about it. Before you play soak your reed in water for at least five minutes, (you should always do this anyway) that should straighten it out, if not keep it wet and carefully press the warped part of the reed against the flat part of your mouthpiece and hold it. You will more than likely need more than one reed however, you should at least have a box of them on hand at all times.


Re: Is this normal?    20:36 on Tuesday, November 28, 2006          


Thanks for asking that question. I play tenor sax for jazz band and that happens to me a lot. It doesn't happen on my clarinet reeds do I figured it was just because of the bigger size. Yeah, it does tend to happen more when I leave the reed on the mouthpeice, so my suggestion would be to remember to put it in a case after each time you play.

Re: Is this normal?    17:51 on Thursday, December 7, 2006          

(5 points)
Posted by Jents

When you wet it, brush the bottom GENTLY on a straight surface, that's what my teacher taught me.



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