from classical tenor to jazzy tenor

from classical tenor to jazzy tenor    22:04 on Monday, February 25, 2008          

(10 points)
Posted by gengar

hi i'm trying to make my sound more jazzy like dexter gordan sonny rollins and others. I use a selmer series III tenor sax and i have a C* mouthpiece, an ottolink 7* and a dukoff D7 mouthpiece and no matter which one i use i still have the same classical sound the only difference is that with the metal mouth pieces i can make it louder. i've used vandoren V16 reeds strenghts 3-4 also the double z in the same strenghts, also rico jazz select in 3 medium and hard unfiled, i really don't know what to do anymore because if i loosen my embouchure too much it sounds like a beginner tryng to get a note out, when i can i go to live concerts and listen to as many recordings as i can, yet the sound won't cahnge, does anyone have any advice at all


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