Sax Tabs
Sax Tabs
03:02 on Sunday, June 7, 2009
 RonArt (3 points)
I usually play guitar -- by note and by tab and chord letters.
I rarely pick up the alto sax, sooo -- since I find it way too
painful to remember the fingering -- I devised a tab method.
There may be one already out there but here's what I use for:
A#/Bb B C C#/Db D D#/Eb E F F#/Gb G G#/Ab A
v6v >6v 6v <6v 6 6^ 5 4 3% 3 ^3 2
11 1 % 0 '6 '6^ '5 '4 '3% '3 '^3 '2
'11 '1 '% '0 xxx xxx xxx xxx
where you are looking through the instrument such that
v before a number is the left hand's pinky down on button 7
> before a number is the left hand's pinky down on button 6
< before a number is the left hand's pinky down on button 5
^ before a number is the left hand's pinky down on button 4
' = right hand thump down
6 = lh fingers 1, 2, and 3 down plus rh fingers 1, 2, and 3 down
5 = like 6 but no rh finger 3
etc for 4, 3, 2, 1, and 0
11 = lh finger 1 and rh finger 1 down
% = lh finder 2 down
3% = lh finders 1, 2, and 3 down plus rh finger 2 down
xxx = I never use these, make something up, same goes for when
your instrument has different buttons.
Good luck. BTW, I find that this helps in learning to read notes
on ledger lines. Also, you may want to change 6 to 33, 5 to 32,
and so on; I've marked up too much music to change now.
Sorry, kerning (the spacing) messed things up.
Copy the text to a fixed-size font on Notepad.
Also, I forgot to put down that ^ or v after
a number is rh pinky down on that half-button.
Drat, "' = right hand thump down" should read
' = left hand thumb down. Sorry.
Re: Sax Tabs
16:19 on Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Re: Sax Tabs
16:40 on Tuesday, July 21, 2009
 RonArt (3 points)
I understand what you are saying; that would work too. Tabs, like notes, and like all notations, are just a way of communicating what the composer intended. Your method would work. As for me, I've already marked up a lot of my songs with my method -- it was quite an effort, but worth it (for me). But, I would encourage you to post your method. I will take this opportunity to repost mine (hopefully it will display well this way).
where you are looking through the instrument such that
v before a number is the left hand's pinky down on button 7
> before a number is the left hand's pinky down on button 6
< before a number is the left hand's pinky down on button 5
^ before a number is the left hand's pinky down on button 4
' = left hand thumb down
6 = lh fingers 1, 2, and 3 down plus rh fingers 1, 2, and 3 down
5 = like 6 but no rh finger 3
etc for 4, 3, 2, 1, and 0
11 = lh finger 1 and rh finger 1 down
% = lh finder 2 down
3% = lh finders 1, 2, and 3 down plus rh finger 2 down
xxx = I never use these, make something up, same goes for when
your instrument has different buttons.
v or ^ after a number is the rh's pinky down on that half-moon button
Good luck. BTW, I find that this helps in learning to read notes
on ledger lines. Also, you may want to change 6 to 33, 5 to 32,
4 to 31, 3 to 30, 2 to 20, 1 to 10, and 0 to 00; I've marked up
too much music using the tabs above to change now.
Re: Sax Tabs
00:41 on Wednesday, July 22, 2009
 EnigmusJ4 (122 points)
There is a use for tablature staves in guitar music, but not for other instruments. Guitars strings are tuned closely enough together, and there are six of them, so there are many different ways to play the same note, i.e., on different strings. So they came up with a tablature system in which they could explicitly notate which strings and which frets to use to find the notes. While this system works for the guitar, there is really no need to come up with any kind of tablature for woodwind instruments like the saxophone. If you can't read music, you're really just limiting yourself. Learn what the notes on the staff are, and learn the fingerings for them - it really won't take that long to learn, trust me. If you go by your system, you're going to have to go through your system every time somebody sets a sheet of music in front of you. Anybody can easily learn to translate instructions on the staff directly into correct fingerings and breathing on an instrument, don't be afraid to put a little effort into it. <Added>Check out this site - Woodwind Fingering Guide - for all the fingerings you need. Stick to the ones marked "basic" for the time being.
Re: Sax Tabs
17:53 on Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Re: Sax Tabs
21:28 on Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Re: Sax Tabs
15:22 on Friday, July 24, 2009