beginner sheet music please
13:02 on Saturday, September 21, 2002
im new with the sax i know B to D including the high notes
can u e mail me a web sote that has music for beginners that you can download or read just off the site
thanx moon
Re: beginner sheet music please
20:48 on Tuesday, September 24, 2002
well, if you go to just about any music store..this is the best for beginners...go to a music store and get book called STANDARDS OF EXCELLENCE BOOK ONE it has a red top with a french horn and medal on the front - its such a good teacher, it gives you song pieces to play and gradually introduces you to notes and gives you correction and gradually increases in difficulty once your finshed with it... they have BOOK TWO which has the same picture on a blue top....this book can be purchased just about anywhere in the states
Re: beginner sheet music please
21:01 on Tuesday, September 24, 2002
The Standard of Excellence books have a CD which you can also buy, and will give you a very good grounding in orchestral playing.
However, if you e-mail me what kind of music you like (jazz, easy listening, pop, etc), I may be able to send you some.
Re: beginner sheet music please
21:18 on Tuesday, September 24, 2002
i have a standard book of excalence book one
Re: beginner sheet music please
19:05 on Monday, September 30, 2002
were did you get it
Re: beginner sheet music please
20:47 on Monday, September 30, 2002
Re: beginner sheet music please
15:33 on Wednesday, October 2, 2002
Hi moon, i also am looking for nice music. I am playing the beginners book for Sax with CD. It is a Dutch book. All sort of music is welcome! Not too difficult of course, not yet.
Re: beginner sheet music please
01:55 on Sunday, October 6, 2002
The Standard of Excellence and the Essential Elements are both great books. I learned from Essential Elements... but I prefer the Excellence because it has more content and music.
Re: beginner sheet music please
17:07 on Thursday, October 24, 2002
(Griffin Cash)
If I were you I would get a Essential Elements 2000 Book 1 Price $6.95
Re: beginner sheet music please
16:06 on Friday, October 25, 2002
Hello all!!
Thanks for the advice! My reeds are getting worser and worser. I practise with a thickness 1 1/2. Do you know if that is good?
I keep a piece of music up only with that thickness, when I try the thickness 2, I cannot play a piece of music to the end.
Musical greetings!!!!
Re: beginner sheet music please
21:04 on Sunday, October 27, 2002
The first book I got for my tenor was Foundations For Superior Performance. I already played the bassoon, so picking up the sax wasn`t difficult. I`m a freshman in high school and had to learn it for marching band.
Re: beginner sheet music please
23:18 on Saturday, November 2, 2002
I have found that the Yamaha Band Method helps alot when you are first starting. I started 3 years ago in 5th grade on alto. I now play bari in the school concert, pep, and jazz bands. I play alto in my park district`s summer band in the summer.
Re: beginner sheet music please
23:12 on Friday, November 15, 2002
(Masta J)
try searching google:
begginner sheet music
Re: beginner sheet music please
16:31 on Monday, November 18, 2002
Thank you very much !!! I tried google and there is a lot to study for me about the sax. :-)
You can even get lessons for the sax !!
Musical greetings !!!
Re: beginner sheet music please
21:15 on Wednesday, January 1, 2003
You really should be using a thickness 3 reed, but thickness 2-2 1/2 is O.K.
Keep practicing with a higher thickness. It`s worth it!