Who are you: Amy
What school? Montagu School
What grade? I`m 14. In British years I`m in Year Nine. Is that ninth grade?
What chair/part do you play? Principal clarinetist, 2nd alto sax
What do you play? Clarinet, alto sax, piano, flute
What brand? Clarinet - E13, Sax - YAS-273, Flute - Buffet something, Piano - Cramer staight-strung but have Yamaha over-strung on order
How long have you played? Five years clarinet, ten months on sax two months on flute, two years on piano
how many people approx are in your program? Last year there were like twenty but more people left than joined so now we only have 8-10
In the bands that I`m in out of school there are a lot more though.