low notes
10:59 on Saturday, February 28, 2004
hi, i have trouble getting out my lower notes. please help. any advice would be great. ex. low e,c,d etc.
Re: low notes
15:21 on Saturday, February 28, 2004
i had trouble with low notes too when i started, but just keep practicing getting them right without playing a tune, then just keep that practice in mind when u try to do a low note.
trust me, you`ll get it.
Re: low notes
22:19 on Saturday, February 28, 2004
As you start out on sax you`re going to have trouble getting down to your low notes, everybody does (it`s an air thing) but just give those lower notes a lot of air and before you know it they won`t even hinder you at all
Re: low notes
22:55 on Saturday, February 28, 2004
hey i posted the original thing.
and i can get them out barely and they r really out of tune. so when i drop my jaw the note cracks. any more help. i dont know if it makes much of a difference but i normally play flute and sax as a second instrument.
Re: low notes
00:22 on Monday, March 1, 2004
hey i have trouble with low notes too. I just started too, and what i do is just barely tongue it and blow not too hard P.S. does any one have the music too louie louie? thanks
Re: low notes
21:53 on Tuesday, March 2, 2004
I used to have that problem too, and one day I was playing for my friend and I`m usually really shy about playing in front of others, and he was like, "Your sound is muddy," and I wanted to show him my sound was not muddy. And he was like, "You need to play louder." So I did, and I blew more air and suddenly all the low notes came so easily to me like they never did before, and I can even play them with a good tone and while playing soft. I don`t know, maybe you should try it: just blow really loud and get the low notes out to show yourself you can do it, and then go from there... I don`t know. It worked for me! Now I`m not even shy about playing in front of people.
Re: low notes
04:41 on Saturday, March 6, 2004
try putting more air in with less pressure, that`ll cause a crack...also, try taking a bit more or a bit less of the mouthpiece when you play them