Really High Notes

Really High Notes    00:44 on Tuesday, May 11, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

I know that there is a way to play notes over high F#, but can`t for the life of me make the note play out. Any advise in detail? Thanks.

Re: Really High Notes    15:15 on Tuesday, May 11, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

Yeah, It`s called altissimo. Go to
try all of the fingerings, but don`t expect any of them to work at first. Try working up to them from high c. If you know the front f and e, use those working up to it. Good luck!!

Re: Really High Notes    23:53 on Wednesday, May 12, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

Thanks alot. I`ll give this a try.

Re: Really High Notes    17:13 on Friday, May 21, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

To play altissimo notes, you have to set up the righth embreshure (?). You have to close off your mouth as much as possible without biting. Try raising your tongue in your mouth. The only altissimo notes I can play is the high F# (without the special side F# key) and high G. But I`m only in Eighth grade and been playing for two years.

Re: Really High Notes    17:16 on Friday, May 21, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

Hey, I just remembered. I know there is a way to play chords on the saxophone. Does anyone know what I`m talking about? If so, could you tell me how? Thanks!

Re: Really High Notes    19:25 on Friday, May 21, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

its iomposible to play chords on a sax- You can only play one note at a time, so...

Re: Really High Notes    19:25 on Friday, May 21, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts


Re: Really High Notes    14:33 on Saturday, May 22, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

are you sure about that? I once heard this professional jazz player tell me that there is a way to play more than one notes on the saxophone. He said it`s very advanced....

Re: Really High Notes    15:20 on Saturday, May 22, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

he told you did he show you or did you hear them?

all i found was this by this guy- yeah

I have no idea who he is (so it its creditabel or not?) but it seems to make sense

he says:
"because The saxophone is basicaly a tube and if it didn`t have any keys it would only play one note. the keys allow the air to escape at given points on the saxophone. What this does is effectively changes the length of the tube. If you have no fingers on the keys, the note is higher as the tube is made shorter. The more fingers you put down, the lower the note goes and the longer the tube becomes. If you find this confusing, think of a trombone. The way the trombone changes pitch is by moving a slide. If you move the slide down, you physically see the tube grow longer and hear a lower note - it`s the same with the saxophone, only the tube doesn`t change length, the column of air inside the instrument does!"

and based on my own experiences i DOUBT HIGHLY that u can play chords/more than 1 note?

Re: Really High Notes & Chords on sax (multiphonics)    08:12 on Monday, May 24, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

hi there.
For high notes. which sax do you play?
the fingerings are for some notes different from sax to sax
also the tuning of the diff. fingerings matter.
check out sigurd raschers book toptones for saxohpone, theres a lot of work in that book.

YES you can play chords on your sax, at least sax players
would say they are. Its called multiphonics, for a little demo, hear David Sanborn those Flageolet A´s are a kind of multiphonic also on the high F#.
the easiest ones you can play in the bottom on the horn.
play low Bb-flat think it an octave over and match those 2 tones on your embouchure.
Ken Dorn has published the biggest book on it ive seen

Re: Really High Notes    10:10 on Monday, May 24, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

I can play chords but you need to play two saxes at the same time...alto and soprano can be done together with alot of practise!

Re: Really High Notes    00:20 on Thursday, May 27, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

there`s something called voicing. its where you can change the pitch of a note with out changing the fingering. try it on a low note. play a low C then try adjusting your embouchure to play an octave higher (without using the octave key) then with practice you can hit that note and then a fifth above that. excersises like that will help you hit the higher notes, but no matter what you do it takes time and practice so be prepared to work

Re: Really High Notes    22:31 on Monday, May 31, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

These are also called overtones. its like playing a D without the octave but having it at the same pitch as a D with the octave. Try the Bb excercise and then work with different notes. Expect this to take quite a while.

Re: Chords    16:34 on Saturday, June 5, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

Yeh sure you can play chords. John Coltrane was one of the first to experiment with chords, I believe Monk helped him figure out ways in which he cud do this. You can just about do anything on a saxophone, I love those players where it is an extension of there body very inspirational. John Coltrane, Charlie Parker, Sonny Rollins I also reckon more people should take notice of Steve Grossman he is phenominal. listen to (A Love Supreme, John Coltrane)and all the other great saxophone giants.

Re: Really High Notes    20:16 on Saturday, June 5, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

um i still dont get this chord thingy. i know about ovetones... (example is hold a note down on the piano.. youll hear more than one sound) but i still dont get this.. do you play with 1 or 2 saxes? cuz i remember kenny g saying he played an alto and tenor at the same time on this one song while he was in a band.


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