cleaning - oil

cleaning - oil    03:10 on Saturday, September 18, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

I ahve a wild question: they say when you clean the saxophone drop oil on the keys.......what do we mean by "keys" here? is it the round metal pieces that pur fingers touch?

And if so, how are you supposed to drop oil there and then get it out? it will fall on to the pads to say the least..... least this is my understanding

any ideas welcome


Re: cleaning - oil    16:54 on Saturday, September 18, 2004          
(M. A.)
Posted by Archived posts

its actually on the rods that connect the keys. you put the oil where the rods meet eachother. but be careful not to get it on the pads.

Re: cleaning - oil    16:55 on Saturday, September 18, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

in this case, keys mean the joint. Like the places where the metal goes together and moves. It`s supposed to keep it moving smooth. Use a toothpick or somehting to just get a little bit of key oil on there. If you get too much on there, it will become all nasty and stuff and will become really dirty with all the dirt that gets trapped. I learned that the hard way. Also, remember this, DONT EVER GET OIL ON THE PADS.

Re: cleaning - oil    23:42 on Saturday, September 18, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

ok good I got it!.....makes sense now .....thanks



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