altissimo notes
altissimo notes
21:28 on Wednesday, February 23, 2005
hey guys, I`ve been trying to play altissimo notes for a looooong time, and i`m still not getting it, is there a specific way to play them?
Re: altissimo notes
23:55 on Wednesday, February 23, 2005
It helps to be proficient in the "harmonic series" on the saxophone. Basically, play a low Bb, and without lifting any keys, change your embouchure to get other notes out. I don`t remember exactly what notes are produced, but I believe it was the low Bb, the middle Bb, and then the top line F. Perhaps there are some other experts here that can clarify.
Re: altissimo notes
17:35 on Thursday, February 24, 2005
i`m really having trouble getting the high G+ notes, and i can get the high F and F sharp easy because I have those 2 keys, which, most saxes do