Re: recorder is not an instrument!!!
21:28 on Friday, June 9, 2006
Re: recorder is not an instrument!!!
23:44 on Friday, June 9, 2006
Re: recorder is not an instrument!!!
08:26 on Saturday, June 10, 2006
Re: recorder is not an instrument!!!
08:29 on Saturday, June 10, 2006
Re: recorder is not an instrument!!!
23:38 on Sunday, June 25, 2006
SimpsonSaxGal (112 points)
If you think about it, with the kazoo post, a piece of paper or plastic (or a blade of grass) can be an instrument too.
I'm so freaking tired of this debate! People! If you don't think it's an instrument, read the entire post! More than likely you're just repeating something! It is an instrument. An instrument is anything that can create music. Music doesn't always have to be pleasing to listen to. At least one of you has to dislike country or rap. That's the same principle. Consider a contempory sax quartet mixed with various native Japanese instruments. Odd? Yes, very, and doesn't sound very good to me. But it is still music, and there are people that enjoy it.
I know I haven't been on in a while, but trust me. If you are a newcomer to the board, do not reply! We know that you wonder why recorders have their own forum. For all I care, 8notes can post a forum for each possible instrument! But if they did that, you'd have bajillions of people saying kazoo isn't an instrument, a pop bottle isn't an instrument, a 10 gallon tub isn't an instrument, you get the idea.
Just stop the discussion already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: recorder is not an instrument!!!
11:10 on Monday, July 10, 2006
Re: recorder is not an instrument!!!
11:17 on Sunday, August 6, 2006
shelly_belly (60 points)
shame on you people who don't think a recorder is n instrument, it was the first instrument i ever played back when i was 8 years old, it's a beautiful instrument and I was in a recorder ensemble for three years playing the treble recorder, I still play it now and have been playing the treble and tenor recorders for 7 years, the descant for 8, and by the way, those of you who are using the whole recorders aren't in orchestras argument, there are two recorders in my school orchestra!! although i must admit my school orchestra isn't exactly traditional (we are made up of recorders, clarinets (i'm moving to first clarinet in september yay!!), saxophones, flutes, guitars (electric and classical), keyboards, piano, two drumkits, violins, and celli) but regardless it's still in our orchestra and we sound fantastic!
recorder is the instrument i've played longest and it's the reason i'm a musician.
anyway i find this a really weird argument, i've never heard of anyone who doesn't feel that a recorder is an instrument. the only debate i've heard about something that is an instrument though some disagree, is about voice, which i believe is an instrument but others don't, so i find this argument quite ridiculous, i'm sure many others feel the same.
Re: recorder is not an instrument!!!
20:15 on Sunday, August 20, 2006
Re: recorder is not an instrument!!!
22:41 on Monday, August 21, 2006
Re: recorder is not an instrument!!!
20:14 on Thursday, August 24, 2006
Re: recorder is not an instrument!!!
09:56 on Sunday, September 10, 2006
Re: recorder is not an instrument!!!
11:09 on Sunday, September 10, 2006
Re: recorder is not an instrument!!!
10:38 on Thursday, September 21, 2006
Re: recorder is not an instrument!!!
10:39 on Thursday, September 21, 2006
Re: recorder is not an instrument!!!
21:47 on Saturday, September 23, 2006
AJB (3 points)
For those who don't believe the recorder is in any bands check out
And look at the list of bands who have used the recorder. Also as far as it not being an instrument, it is the oldest most unchanged instrument and was at its height in the 1700s. Some of the most famous composers of the time, Bach, Telemann, Vivaldi all scored for the recorder so how can you clam it isn't a real instrument?
Since its revival in the 1900s (it was lost there for a while because it couldn't compete with the sound of the growing orchestra) there have been hundreds of compositions for the recorder from England, USA, Europe, even from Japan and Australia.
I myself am currently studying the recorder at university. I think if you took the time to learn it properly, you will find it is much more difficult to play than many other instruments and that's after you learn the hundereds of different fingerings for each note! I suggest finding a professional teacher and having a lesson and just see how childish your views on the recorder really are.