hi i was looking at an internet site for note fingerings on the recorder and on a bunch of notes they had different fingering for english and german models.
which one is my recorder if the company is Aulos?
Re: recorder fingering 19:27 on Monday, June 26, 2006
It is very likely English fingering. Did a fingering chart not come with your recorder?
If you know how a scale should sound (if you have played any music before or have a piano) you can easily decide if one fingering or another is right or wrong by playing it and seeing if it sounds like the right note.
Re: recorder fingering 08:13 on Friday, June 30, 2006
Count the holes from the bottom. If no. 4 is smaller than no 3, its english. If no 3 is decidedly smaller than no. 4, its german. German fingering is much easier to learn for beginners - in fact, it is nothing but a paedagogic invention from the 20ies - but it has some limitations later.