does a wood recorder sound better than a plastic
14:03 on Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Re: does a wood recorder sound better than a plastic
02:13 on Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Re: does a wood recorder sound better than a plastic
18:09 on Thursday, March 13, 2008
 Scotch (660 points)
Naturally, there are different qualities of both wooden recorders and plastic recorders, but, mutadis mutandis, all else being equal, wooden recorders sound much different from plastic recorders and are much superior to plastic recorders. They are also, unfortunately, almost invariably more expensive than plastic recorders. I have no trouble affording a wooden sopranino or soprano recorder, but I've been slightly daunted at the cost of a wooden alto recorder, more daunted at the cost of wooden tenor recorder, and completely taken aback at the cost of a wooden bass recorder.
Re: does a wood recorder sound better than a plastic
11:34 on Saturday, April 5, 2008
Re: does a wood recorder sound better than a plastic
19:59 on Wednesday, April 9, 2008
 MusicDreamerGirl (1 point)
Posted by MusicDreamerGirl
In music class we have been playing recorders! We use Yamaha plastic recorders and they sound beautiful! The wood might sound nice if it's higher priced but I suggest you go with plastic because they have a clearer sound and a little less diffuculties.