What recorder make is best?
What recorder make is best?
06:51 on Saturday, January 1, 2011
Re: What recorder make is best?
08:35 on Sunday, January 2, 2011
mandrew (4 points)
This is a common question, and the answer is usually not what is "best", because that is different for everybody! The answer is what is comfortable for your to hold, play, is in tune, plays well, and that you like to look at. That said, my personal experience is tha you would have good experience with either the Moeck or Mollenhauer instruments in their respective price ranges. they have good sound, consistent production quality, and are mde to last with good care. I started with a Hohner pearwood descant years ago, and it was good enough to play a few tunes, sounds nice, but was not up to the quality of the other two I just mentioned. To me, everything Yamaha is good, but overpriced. Hope this helps!
Re: What recorder make is best?
15:09 on Friday, February 25, 2011