Fingering for Tenor and Grand Bass
Fingering for Tenor and Grand Bass
20:33 on Friday, December 23, 2022
 Korkoro (1 point)
Hi all,
New member here. I've got a music degree (theory and composition), I play tuba and build lap dulcimers. I want to buy, and play, the recorder. Since I read both treble and bass clef well, I have thought the tenor or grand bass would be the best for me. I sing bass in my church choir and play tuba in bands. I like the low notes and would like to, eventually, have a grand bass.
In the meantime, as I'm saving up for a grand bass, I thought I'd buy a tenor. Hopefully, my assumption is correct that the fingering on the tenor is the same as the grand bass.
Any suggestions would be very much appreciated.
Re: Fingering for Tenor and Grand Bass
15:17 on Saturday, December 24, 2022
 f-a (1 point)
In the meantime, as I'm saving up for a grand bass, I thought I'd buy a tenor. Hopefully, my assumption is correct that the fingering on the tenor is the same as the grand bass. |
If you cover all holes in a recorder and blow, you will get:
- a C in soprano (descant) and tenor recorders;
- an F in alto and bass recorders.
so it is CFCFCFCFCF… all the way down.
Re: Fingering for Tenor and Grand Bass
19:10 on Saturday, February 25, 2023
Re: Fingering for Tenor and Grand Bass
09:26 on Monday, October 2, 2023