blind recorder players

blind recorder players    12:41 on Tuesday, January 18, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

I do not know if there are other people that play the recorder and are also blind. I play recorder and many other instruments and started to loose my eyesight in seventh grade and am now totally blind. I was wondering if there are other people out there that are blind that I can chat with. I do not plan on quitting and have a lot of friends that are helping me to continue playing. With out them I think that I would really be at a loss because playing music is what I truly love to do.

Re: blind recorder players    03:16 on Tuesday, January 25, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

YOU CAN. this is the first thing i wanna to told u. The most important is you dun wan to quit.

p.s. can u read my reply since u r blind?!

Re: blind recorder players    09:32 on Tuesday, January 25, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

yes I can find out what all of the replies are however I do not read them. I listen to them. I have a program that reads what is on the screan so I know what is says I just do not know what it looks like. And yes I do love to play music and do not plan on giving up any time soon.

Re: blind recorder players    22:27 on Wednesday, January 26, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts


Re: blind recorder players    15:26 on Thursday, January 27, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

I did not really think that I would inspire anyone but thank you. As for gifted I do not know about that because playing music is the only thing that I am good at. If my grades were better I would be really happy. I only have one a and that is a 97 in band.

Re: blind recorder players    22:58 on Wednesday, February 16, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

Stay with music! I am moderately deaf, and although it`s tough staying with music, it`s possible. With a great grade in band, it sounds like you truly love music. Please stick with music! Do you only play recorder?

Re: blind recorder players    16:25 on Sunday, February 20, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

Simpson, I play many istruments. My main instrument is clarinet. My others are alto sax, flute, piano, and guitar. I know that I will never quit. My grade for band on my last report card was a 97. Many kids are mad that I am allowed in band but I think that it is because they are jealous. What would you think?

Re: blind recorder players    17:19 on Sunday, February 20, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

I think that they do not want you in band because they don`t know what to do around you. For many people, it`s uncomfortable being around someone "different." Try getting to know them better. Talk to them, or invite them to do something. I`m sure if they get to know you better, they`ll be more accepting of you.

You`ve posted under the clarinet forum, haven`t you? I`ve written under that post, too.

Don`t ever let being blind keep you down. I love music so much that I taught myself how to play clarinet and flute. I have picked up simple kids` toy instruments and played common tunes on them. I learned how to play piano, trumpet, and french horn quickly. I have played the contra alto clarinet in an ensemble, and play all of the saxophones. I just started learning the alto recorder about a month ago, and I`ll probably within the next year extend to the soprano, tenor, and bass recorders as well. I encourage you to just have fun with your music.

If you ever want to talk about anything, go ahead and post a note and I`ll find it. Another option is at the top of my post is a link to my email address. You are more than welcome to email me at any time.


Re: blind recorder players    13:00 on Monday, March 7, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

Keep on playing!!!
The fact that you are blined can only help u to understand the music.
I know a fwe grate` telented musition, that are blined.

don`t let it stop you!!!

Re: blind recorder players    08:50 on Saturday, March 12, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

Thanks all. Everything is starting to get a little better now that people are starting to understand me more.


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