how do u scream!

how do u scream!    23:58 on Sunday, February 26, 2006          

(4 points)

sorry to ask again but i cant read the replies from the last two i dont know why im new here anyone wana help out

Re: how do u scream!    15:28 on Monday, February 27, 2006          

(71 points)
Posted by Tinuviel

I don't know any healthy way to scream... I personally do not recommend it, it sounds like it could be harmful lol .. you can probly find that out on the net

Re: how do u scream!    21:49 on Tuesday, April 4, 2006          


I wouldn't suggest screaming. The safest way without losing your voice is to yell with your diaphram(sp?). But, yeah. I hate when people scream.

Re: how do u scream!    23:27 on Friday, May 12, 2006          

(160 points)
Posted by kishi

i agree, i think it is best to use your diaphragm.not actually to scream...but to "belt-out"


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