Piano_Princess (103 points)
Yeah I think you're supposed to smooth out the join between your two registers (head and chest voice). That's exactly what I'm working on. My music teacher has told me to work on some scales, which start in my chest voice at a comfortable note, and then work up into my head voice, and then go back down again. It'll be hard, but try to make the transition between each voice as smooth as possible. If you keep doing this it'll get easier.
Make sure you're standing properly. Feet shoulder width apart, arms by your side and head facing straight forward. Believe it or not posture really helps you sing higher/lower with more control and ease. Also concentrate on breathing deeply, and right down 'to your stomach' - if it helps put one hand on your stomach so that you can feel it rise.
Also, another tip for when you're getting close to those notes which are high up in your chest voice and low down in your head voice. As you get higher, think lower. If you think about the note itself and try to kid yourself it's not high, it'll actually come out more easily and will sound more even and controlled. And the same applies when you sing low - think high! It sounds weird, but honest, for me it's been an absolute godsend!!
Hope those tips help - oh, and whatever you do, don't try and strain your voice to reach higher notes. This will damage your voice and will get you into bad habits!
Good luck!