Rift generator 16 bars won`t save

Rift generator 16 bars won`t save    07:35 on Tuesday, August 12, 2014          

(5 points)
Posted by westfal

Same problem as the 32 bar, that I never got a response for. I used to be able to save 16 bars, now I can't.

Am I missing something? I don't get why you can create a rift with 16 or 32 bars, but you can't save them.

Re: Rift generator 16 bars won`t save    04:04 on Wednesday, August 13, 2014          

(1230 points)

Thanks for pointing this out. The error has been corrected now.

Re: Rift generator 16 bars won`t save    04:38 on Wednesday, August 13, 2014          

(5 points)
Posted by westfal

Thank you so much for your quick response. I tried to create a rift just now... the plaer bar, clear button, and create button are overlapping with the top music staff. Seems to be some sort of alignment problem. The buttons don't work, and when you click on it, it thinks I adding or subtracting a note on the staff.

Thanks again for your attention to this!

Re: Rift generator 16 bars won`t save    04:49 on Wednesday, August 13, 2014          

(1230 points)

Could you tell me what browser/computer you are using please? And if you know it, what screen size?

Re: Rift generator 16 bars won`t save    18:40 on Wednesday, August 13, 2014          

(5 points)
Posted by westfal

Hey it's fixed now! Thank you! I'm on Firefox, Windows Vista using a laptop, screen resolution 1366 x 768.

Re: Rift generator 16 bars won`t save    16:00 on Thursday, August 14, 2014          

(5 points)
Posted by westfal

I'm soooo sorry for still bothering you with this... I saved a 32 bar pattern, and I can hear it, but others I've sent the link to, say they can't hear it. Even stuff I've made in the past that I know others could hear, now people can't hear those either. They can download the midi and hear that, but can't hear it online. One of them is using Windows 7, so it's not like it's an oddball platform or anything. I also tried it on my smartphone (Android), she tried it on her iPhone and both of us couldn't hear it.

Other than not being able to share it, I adore your riff generator. I hope you can fix it so others can love it too!


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