JOhnlovemusic (1279 points)
To be a pro. . . .
Private lessons are very important.
You cannot start too soon, start now.
Start Summer music clinics as soon as you can
Is there a particular practice routine he should have? - YES, but get that from the private teacher.
When should he audition for local youth symphonies? - As soon as the teacher thinks he can play the literature.
You cannot start too soon. When I started the school system would not let me play a Horn, because "I was too small". When I did start playing in the youth orchestras everyone else in the section had been playing horn since they were 5 and 7 years old.
If you have the resources for lessons there is no substitute for private lessons. Many school systems just are not prepared or trained to teach horn properly. Start with the closest professional symphony and see which Horn players are teaching. Call them, if they do not take beginers they can refer you to someone who does. If you can't contact the Horn section directly contact your closest Musicians Union Local and they will have a list of competent teachers.
The horn is not as hard as many people say. But, there are some difficulties and if there is an interest or passion from your child to play horn it is a most wonderful part of ones life. The more opportunities s/he can play the better s/he can become.