Hey, i'm looking to buy another horn case for my horn since my current one is way too bulky. I play a horn with a detached bell and want a good light case/gig bag that is well-made and will hold a mute and some music scores. I've seen several brands such as Marcus Bonna, Reunion Blues, Protec, Thompson, to name a few and so far my favourite is the Marcus Bonna, MB7. Is this case worth the high price?
Also, there's a smaller version of that model, MB7C and I am very interested in that case. But will its smaller size be able to fit my Kruspe wrap horn?
Unless you have a wierd horn it should fit.
Contact them or the dealer you are planing on getting it from and ask if the case will fit your horn (of course telling them which you have).
For the price you are paying for one of those cases I think they will be very open to working with you. PErhaps they can send you both with a return mailing slip so you can send one back.