I`m beginning to give up :(
13:37 on Saturday, June 13, 2009
 andyyy21 (1 point)
I don't know what to do anymore! My embouchure is not correct, and I can't get it right, I've been trying and trying, but my personal teacher tells me that the muscles that I need to play french horn are not being used...
He said I should learn how to whistle? Is this a good idea?
ALSO... I can't whistle and that's very hard for me... I don't know what to do!!
I really like the sound of french horn but I think I'm loosing my feeling for music because I just can't play...
What do I do? Any advice? Or help?
Thanks in advance.
Re: I`m beginning to give up :(
21:26 on Saturday, June 13, 2009
Re: I`m beginning to give up :(
07:07 on Sunday, June 14, 2009
 EnigmusJ4 (122 points)
Too many people whistle in too many different ways - for some people the embouchure for whistling is close to a trumpet or horn embouchure. I personally cannot whistle very well at all, sometimes I can't even get a sound. You don't have to learn to whistle to get the horn embouchure right.
How long have you been learning? (this is an important question!  )
Also... apparently your instructor isn't helping you any more than saying that you're doing it wrong? Maybe you need a new horn teacher - somebody that knows how to approach teaching a correct embouchure to people that just don't naturally get it. You can learn it just like everyone else, don't worry. You'll just need to work on it. I learned trumpet and horn by myself and to this day I haven't had a single lesson in a wind instrument. And I still made honours band. So relax, it's not impossible to learn if you just can't get it at first - there is certainly a lot of hope.
Re: I`m beginning to give up :(
08:18 on Sunday, June 14, 2009
Re: I`m beginning to give up :(
16:56 on Sunday, June 14, 2009
 flute_n_bassoon (309 points)
Posted by flute_n_bassoon
I don't play french horn, but this is what I think:
Try taking a break for a little while (a day or two) while you look up everything you can find about embrochures for your instrument, then try coming back and starting fresh. Don't rely on your old embrochure just because that is the only way you can get a noise out, really pretend like you are a begginer again. Most likely, your embrochure was just developed wrong. If you can "un-develop" it and satrt over, than maybe you will learn in right. You just have to get rid of the muscle memory that has been built up. Your embrochure can't be formed automatically on the first day, then you know you went back to your old ways.
I had the same problem as you on my flute. It helped me to get a fresh start. If you really love your instrument, than you have to put some more time into forgetting what you've learned, as hard as it is.
Re: I`m beginning to give up :(
23:18 on Sunday, June 14, 2009
Re: I`m beginning to give up :(
11:54 on Thursday, July 16, 2009
 granny (132 points)
I agree with the flute player as well. Take a break & don't stress over it.
After you take a little break, try this:
(1) Say, "Mmmmmmmmmm," put your horn to your lips & blow.
(2) Say, "Tooooooooo," put your horn to your lips & blow.
Which one works best for you? #1 will produce a higher pitch. Work with this set up for a few minutes a day, playing down a scale from your highest notes to low keeping the same set up (mmmmmm). #2 will probably produce a lower pitch. Work with this set up a few minutes a day from low notes to as high as you can go while keeping the same set up (ooooo). Otherwise play your regular way. In other words, don't mess with your chops.
Some people play with more "oooo" while others play with more "mmmm." Some people need more of one or the other. Working with both every day will help your lips figure out what they need.
If you spend a few minutes a day working both extremes of your embouchure (high to low with "mmmm" & low to high with "oooo"), your lips will indirectly be guided to find a "sweet spot" that makes playing a easier in all registers.
BTW: I have a good horn embouchure, but can't whistle worth beans! The whistling embouchure set up may work for a few, but is certainly not working for you. I think you need to tell your teacher to back off your chops or find another teacher.
Valerie Wells
"The Balanced Embouchure" for French Horn
Also, see what I wrote under the topic, "need embouchure help."
Re: I`m beginning to give up :(
17:19 on Thursday, July 16, 2009
Re: I`m beginning to give up :(
18:09 on Thursday, July 16, 2009
 flute_n_bassoon (309 points)
Posted by flute_n_bassoon
hehe, am I reduced to the "flute" now?
Wow, I had no idea that was my name all along. 
Re: I`m beginning to give up :(
23:48 on Thursday, July 16, 2009
Re: I`m beginning to give up :(
21:26 on Saturday, July 18, 2009
Re: I`m beginning to give up :(
19:15 on Sunday, July 19, 2009
 flute_n_bassoon (309 points)
Posted by flute_n_bassoon
lol. it's cool. 
I just thought it was funny the way my name went from:
flute_n_bassoon to
flutey bassooney friend to,
flute player to,
I dunno, made me chuckle the way it deteriorated in 4 posts.
Re: I`m beginning to give up :(
15:29 on Monday, July 20, 2009
Re: I`m beginning to give up :(
00:46 on Thursday, August 20, 2009