18:38 on Monday, June 15, 2009
Re: Mellophones
10:28 on Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Re: Mellophones
21:00 on Tuesday, June 16, 2009
 FrenchHornPlayer 93
Posted by FrenchHornPlayer93
Hmmm...mellophones?? Personally, being a mello player, I think it's extremely easy!!! Sometimes it's TOO easy if you know what I mean. But don't get me wrong! I like playing the mello a bunch, especially in marching band and pep band because it makes playing the really difficult songs we play for pep band a breeze. And in marching band...I can't even fathom how hard it would be to march a French horn! I'd rather punch myself in the face! LOL But, I'd like to have like a feature sometime in marching band where I stand still and play French horn for awhile...but never moving and playing at the same time! OH NO! LOL
But, sometimes the sound isn't the best sound in the whole wide world...most things below a C or Bb below the staff sounds like crapp! But it's really easy to for high ranges, I can get up to almost an E above the staff! (which is not even physically possible on a French horn!!!)
So...mellophones have their goods and their bads. But I still like them! =]
Re: Mellophones
01:11 on Wednesday, June 17, 2009
 EnigmusJ4 (122 points)
I played mellophones before, but not that much, I marched tuba in band instead of mello. I've also heard of marching French horns, which have both the Bb and F sides, and it's a bell front instrument. Odd. Never played one, and I'm doubtful as to the quality. I've played a few Olds and Conn F mellophones, but I much preferred the Yamaha Bb mellophones. The trumpet converts that play mello at my school won't switch to the Bb mellophone, they're too afraid of learning the new fingerings, even though I wrote out a whole chart for them in Finale and made it all pretty. Hmmph. Sound is much better than an F mellophone, I think. The longer the tubing, the more horny the sound is.
Did you know Stan Kenton used a complete section of four mellophones in his orchestra in the 1960's? Yes, and they sounded sweet. |
Actually, they called them "Mellophoniums" (proper noun.) They were Conn model 16E's and were bell-front versions otherwise identical to the old Conn mellophones of the time - you know, the original bell down versions. Check these out:
I found a Mellophonium hiding in a closet at my high school, so I dragged it home and figured out what it was. I've kept it, it's of no use to the school anymore. It's in fairly good condition, but somebody jacked the original tuning slide for it and exchanged it for a much longer crook that doesn't even fit the tubing, so I've taped it to fill the gap. Also the original mouthpiece was missing, so I'm on the look for one of those Conn 1's. Although it's supposed to be in F, the crook puts it down in Bb so I have to pull the slides way out and even that isn't enough. Here's a pic and recording of me noodling on it, excuse the cheesyness:
You'll notice it really growls when I get loud - it's not the mic, the horn actually does change colour that much, which is pretty awesome. Can't wait 'til I can get a new tuning crook made for it and a mouthpiece that actually fits it. Been using a Bach 11 horn mouthpiece.
And in marching band...I can't even fathom how hard it would be to march a French horn! I'd rather punch myself in the face! LOL |
You're right... I can hardly walk and play a C scale on a smooth floor! I've seen them in parades before, though, believe it or not. Here's the closest approximation to "marching" I found on YouTube, courtesy of Canadian Brass' amusing skits:
Re: Mellophones
15:12 on Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Re: Mellophones
17:08 on Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Re: Mellophones
18:13 on Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Re: Mellophones
22:26 on Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Re: Mellophones
08:39 on Thursday, June 18, 2009
 FrenchHornPlayer 93
Posted by FrenchHornPlayer93
Holy crapp!!! I watched that Canadian Brass link and I can't even imagine how that French horn player moved around like that and still had a GREAT qualitly in sound!!! That's like fricking amazing!!!
Re: Mellophones
19:30 on Saturday, July 25, 2009
 FrenchHornPlayer 93
Posted by FrenchHornPlayer93
Hey!!! I found out this week that I get to play my French Horn in my marching show! I don't know what to expect! My band director said that I get to play a solo on it! I'm soooooooooo freaking excited!!!!!!! YAY!
Re: Mellophones
19:49 on Saturday, July 25, 2009
Re: Mellophones
20:00 on Saturday, July 25, 2009
 FrenchHornPlayer 93
Posted by FrenchHornPlayer93
I'm not completely sure...I think my director is going to have me stand on one of our props on the field. HEHEHE! But, I'll find out ALL the details these next few weeks when I learn the show. I assume that I'll have my horn on the side lines or behind a prop or with the pit or something. I would honestly die if he asked me to march it the WHOLE time! LOL
Re: Mellophones
22:32 on Saturday, July 25, 2009
Re: Mellophones
17:00 on Wednesday, August 5, 2009
 FrenchHornPlayer 93
Posted by FrenchHornPlayer93
Hey! I foung out this week that I have to MARCH my freaking French horn for my solo!!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!! It's sooo flipping hard!!!! The solo itself is ok, it's some Mozart song I've heard somewhere but idk the title. For the begining of my solo I stand on top of a prop then I have to dismount and march!!!! It's hard...but it's gonna be AWESOME!!!!