New player trouble hitting notes
New player trouble hitting notes
11:53 on Wednesday, August 12, 2009
 AliceM (14 points)
Hi all- I am a new player (1 lesson last week, the next is tomorrow). I am renting a Jupiter single F horn. I have no previous experience with any brass instruments, but decided at the age of 54 to learn the horn.
While I am making progress, I've been having the same problem for the month I've had this horn. I can play middle C and a couple of notes lower; I can play up to third space C, usually, and sometimes D. D and E above middle C, however, seem to be beyond me. Try as I might, and I've put a lot of time into this, the notes always start out 1/2 tone sharp. My hand is in the bell. When I try to lower the pitch, the tone usually drops to middle C or lower. When I manage to get in the range, the tone is still sharp. I can buzz the notes on key in the mouthpiece, but as soon as I put the mouthpiece in the horn- I lose the tone.
I've tried all sorts of different positions on the mouthpiece and the best I can come up with are breathy, sharp Ds and Es. Any ideas?
Also, I am aiming toward playing in a community college's symphonic wind band someday. When would be a good time to switch to a double horn? I'm inclined to get one soon and would like input from anyone so inclined.
Thank you,
Re: New player trouble hitting notes
18:41 on Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Re: New player trouble hitting notes
19:38 on Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Re: New player trouble hitting notes
02:07 on Thursday, August 13, 2009
Re: New player trouble hitting notes
22:00 on Thursday, August 13, 2009
Re: New player trouble hitting notes
00:24 on Thursday, August 20, 2009
Re: New player trouble hitting notes
00:53 on Thursday, August 20, 2009
Re: New player trouble hitting notes
00:05 on Monday, August 24, 2009