Upper lip with "apple drop" in the middle
23:24 on Thursday, August 13, 2009
Re: Upper lip with apple drop in the middle
00:49 on Friday, August 14, 2009
Re: Upper lip with apple drop in the middle
05:41 on Friday, August 14, 2009
Re: Upper lip with apple drop in the middle
13:58 on Sunday, August 16, 2009
Re: Upper lip with apple drop in the middle
18:00 on Sunday, August 16, 2009
Re: Upper lip with apple drop in the middle
00:14 on Thursday, August 20, 2009
 granny (132 points)
A protruding top lip (PTL) is a common problem and definitely inhibits upper register development if the player doesn't get specific corrective embouchure instruction. It takes a very specific technique to overcome the PTL. Jeff Smiley, an embouchure expert, has a method that specifically addresses the PTL. His method has helped hundreds of trumpet and horn players overcome the challenges of a PTL as well as other embouchure issues (such as the "broken embouchure" where the top lip overlaps the lower).
Read about it at: http://www.trumpetteacher.net/welcome.html
Email me and I'll be happy to tell you how to get Jeff's book as well as my adapted version of the exercises for French horn. I offer follow up technical support for any horn player working Jeff's program. (It's called "The Balanced Embouchure.")
I'm working with one horn player that has a severe PTL and he is making very nice progress. He's over 60 years old and came back to horn about 9 years ago. He was so excited when he played his FIRST high C ever at the age of 65!
Valerie Wells
"The Balanced Embouchure" for French Horn