What`s the best???

What`s the best???    20:42 on Monday, November 16, 2009          


I've heard sooo many opinions that I don't know what ones are true!! What's the best lip balm/chapstick/whatever you call it for keeping brass players mouth's from getting tired, sore, or shot while playing???

My band director said Carmax is a definit NO because it has some wierd chemical that breaks down your lip muscles. My section leader said ChopSaver doesn't work. What out there works?!?!?! There's this one stuff my marching band instructor stuff used but I don't know what it was. He said he got it through DCI or something.

If you have any info on lip balm/chapstick/whatever you call it, let me know, por favor *aka please in Spanish LOL* One of my biggest problems as a French horn player is my lips getting tired and worn out so quickly in class or when I practice on my own.

Let me know!

Re: What`s the best???    08:59 on Tuesday, November 17, 2009          

(1279 points)
Posted by JOhnlovemusic

Nada pues nada.
There is nothing that will help your lips from getting tired and sore other than practising properly.

Warm up properly before you play and do stamina training and that will help your lips. This means flexibility exercises everytime you take the horn out of the case, using a little pressure as possible, and lots of long tones (perfect time to practice your meditation). Runners don't run races without stretching first, and neither should a musician play music before stretching properly.

Lip stuff - lip stuff is not good for anyone least of all brass players. So many have waxes and such and actaully become addicting. There certainly is nothing that 'breaks down your lip muscles'. Your lips should be just fine without anything. I will grant that there are some days when it is extremely cold and dry out and some covering would be a good idea; but daily use is not a good idea. Your lips are kept in perfect condition by the fat(s) and oils that are in them. So you want to maintain this fat and oil balance. If you have been using anything stop and wait two weeks to adjust. If your lips are dry try cutting your soda intake by half and replace it with water.

If you have an intense show and practice then you can take Advil twice a day for 10 days to help keep swelling down; but I'm talking about playing over 6 hours in the day.

If your lip are getting tired after only playing in class then you are either trying way too hard to make the notes or you are not practicing properly at home.


Suggestion for warm ups : Walter Moecks French Horn Warm ups. ($2.50)

Remember that playing an instrument is a physical activity. You need to warm up and cool down just like an athlete (perhaps even more). Athletes are using muscles intended for their activity. Lip muscles aren't really intended to hold a static position for long periods of time, which is exactly what we are asking them to do.

Re: What`s the best???    16:44 on Friday, November 20, 2009          

(222 points)
Posted by Val_Wells

It's important to stay well hydrated. Drink lots of water. Even slight dehydration will cause your lips to dry out and crack.

I use plain old Bag Balm for a lip balm, especially when the weather is severe, and I'm not addicted! Some people's skin simply contains less oils than others, so applying a little lip balm can be helpful. I prefer products that contain a little lanolin or lanolin oil, but some people are allergic to it, so they have to find what works best for them. I know some people who swear by ChopSaver, but it burns my lips. I know another guy who uses arnica cream, but I didn't like that stuff either. I really don't believe any lip balms are dangerous, destructive or addictive, unless maybe they contain cocaine!

Valerie Wells (retired RN)


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