French horn mechanical key option, and bore sizes
French horn mechanical key option, and bore sizes
02:15 on Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Re: French horn mechanical key option, and bore sizes
08:52 on Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Re: French horn mechanical key option, and bore sizes
17:51 on Friday, December 11, 2009
Re: French horn mechanical key option, and bore sizes
19:29 on Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Re: French horn mechanical key option, and bore sizes
10:56 on Wednesday, December 23, 2009
 FrenchHornPlayer 93
Posted by FrenchHornPlayer93
I've been able to get up to a high C, but it sounds too "bright" and pinched compared to the dark round sound of other notes in the staff. I've never restrung my strings and I've had my horn for nearly 5 years. Plus my horn was a hand-me-down that was bought used. I don't know very much about French horn cleaning/maintinence because not many band directors DO know that stuff. Both of the band directors that I have had told me they didn't really know diddly-squat about horns. I'm slowly but surely learning from a fellow horn player but it's a work in progress. LOL My strings haven't been giving me any trouble that I know of? What would be some signs that I need to restring?
Re: French horn mechanical key option, and bore sizes
12:36 on Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Re: French horn mechanical key option, and bore sizes
10:14 on Thursday, December 24, 2009
 FrenchHornPlayer 93
Posted by FrenchHornPlayer93
To me, my strings look pretty dang good. There are no thin spots where they might've worn down, or discoloration, or frays. But they may look completely different to a professional. I think I'm gonna send it in to have a "check-up" after the beggining of the year to make sure everything's in working order.
Re: French horn mechanical key option, and bore sizes
16:36 on Thursday, December 24, 2009