Need Thicker Grease
14:48 on Monday, December 14, 2009
Re: Need Thicker Grease
22:54 on Monday, December 14, 2009
Re: Need Thicker Grease
16:31 on Wednesday, December 16, 2009
 Val_Wells (222 points)
I use an automotive oil treatment similar to STP. No kidding. I put it in an empty eye dropper bottle (like Murine or such). It's easy to use, a tiny bit goes a long way and lasts a long time. I like the automotive lube better than Selmer's tuning slide grease (the pink stuff) or Hetman's, both of which I've used in the past. (Maybe I like it becuase it's cheaper. I think it's about the same thing as the pink stuff.)
I got the idea from a pro horn playing friend who uses STP. For $10 I get a life time supply and I share it with my students and anyone else who brings me an empty eye dropper bottle to fill. The specific product I use is called Hyper-Lube Oil Supplement. It looks like honey. The reason I bought this product instead of STP is the Hyper-Lube comes in a 32 oz. sqeeze bottle with a narrow tip that makes it easy to transfer into the tiny eye dropper bottle.
For valve oil, I use Ultra Pure Lamp oil (the blue stuff) I buy at Walmart. I've used it for over two years and love it. My slides and valves work great.
Valerie Wells
<Added>One more thing . . . I have a friend who used some thick black grease he buys at the hardware store. It's like axle grease or something. It's really, really thick. I've seen him use various oils for his valves, sometimes Al Cass, other times a cheap trumplet valve oil he bought on clearance at Walmart (they used to sell trumpets at Walmart.) His valves and slides work great.
Another One more thing . . . Both he and I wash our horns out frequently with warm water and dishwashing liquid. Maybe that's why we've both had good luck with our valves. We're both clean freaks.
Re: Need Thicker Grease
20:03 on Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Re: Need Thicker Grease
14:22 on Thursday, December 17, 2009
 Val_Wells (222 points)
3-If you get the lanolin on the end of your slides and it gets into your valves they will become sluggish like a choo-choo train with no fuel. And then you need to somehow clean it out (yes keroscene works and I bet Valeries lamp oil will work also). |
This must be one of the reasons my valves always work so well. It's the cheap lamp oil! $5.00 for about a quart.
Thanks, John. Great information.
Valerie Wells
Re: Need Thicker Grease
14:30 on Thursday, December 17, 2009
Re: Need Thicker Grease
14:40 on Thursday, December 17, 2009
Re: Need Thicker Grease
15:36 on Thursday, December 17, 2009
Re: Need Thicker Grease
15:51 on Thursday, December 17, 2009
Re: Need Thicker Grease
17:29 on Thursday, December 17, 2009
Re: Need Thicker Grease
18:16 on Thursday, December 17, 2009
Re: Need Thicker Grease
19:52 on Thursday, December 17, 2009
 Val_Wells (222 points)
<<I think it's more in the ease of availability and not in the
That's more the issue than anything else. When you buy it in volume, it's always there for you, and it's fun to share it with your students. Saves trips to the music store.
Valerie Wells
Re: Need Thicker Grease
00:57 on Sunday, December 27, 2009
Re: Need Thicker Grease
09:01 on Sunday, December 27, 2009
Re: Need Thicker Grease
10:26 on Sunday, December 27, 2009