My goals for 2010.
16:46 on Tuesday, December 22, 2009
 Val_Wells (222 points)
I'm trying to formulate my music goals for 2010. I'm toying with several ideas: (1) buy & learn trombone (one of my loves from high school days!) (2) buy and learn to play a natural horn or, (3) buy & learn to play a small bell five valve Bb horn. [A Courtois Bb had been recommended. I'm wondering if it has the bell size that would adapt to natural horn playing.]
hmmmm..... decisions, decisions...
If any of you have feedback, opinions, discussion on the above, I'm all ears.
Valerie Wells
Re: My goals for 2010.
20:06 on Tuesday, December 22, 2009
 rumble (57 points)
I love trombones! I don't play it, although my brother did for a while. If you do decide to play trombone, let me know what it does to your embouchure. I always used to have a bit of an experiment with my brother's trombone - until I realised that it was ruining the tone I had when I played horn...
A natural horn would also be interesting, and I suppose it would improve your usual horn playing amazingly.
I'm interested to know what you decide! 
Re: My goals for 2010.
10:59 on Wednesday, December 23, 2009
 FrenchHornPlayer 93
Posted by FrenchHornPlayer93
I think the trombone one! I want to learn trombone sooo bad! I'm such a band geek  It's one of my many qualities LOL. One of my friend's that has graduated played one and it looked like SOOO MUCH FUN!!!
Re: My goals for 2010.
11:04 on Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Re: My goals for 2010.
12:21 on Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Re: My goals for 2010.
14:50 on Friday, December 25, 2009
Re: My goals for 2010.
18:57 on Friday, December 25, 2009
Re: My goals for 2010.
20:38 on Wednesday, December 30, 2009
 Val_Wells (222 points)
I LOVE all the enthusiastic responses I've receieved. I read them while on vacation, but couldn't reply as I didn't have access to my 8 notes password.
I have a theory that switching between brass instruments successfully is a matter of conditioning and training, but my theory remains to be proven where low brass in concerned. I play trumpet from time to time w/o any adverse effects, but I don't know about trombone. James Morrison does it w/o problems (but, of course, I'm no James Morrison!)
A friend recommended I try a rental trombone for a month or two before making a purchase. Good advice.
What will probably make the decision for me will be what I find first. It's looking darn good for horn as I've located a very interesting natural horn for a good price. Hmm... hard to resist. I'll fill you all in when I make a decision.
Valerie Wells
Re: My goals for 2010.
08:48 on Saturday, January 2, 2010
Re: My goals for 2010.
14:46 on Saturday, January 2, 2010
 Val_Wells (222 points)
John! You're one step ahead of me. That was my next question. I've decided to buy an inexpensive converted single F horn with crooks for the basic solo keys (valvectomy from Leonard Brown). Since I don't know if I'll enjoy studying natural horn, I thought it would be a good starting place. If I find I really enjoy it, then I'll consider buying one of his more up-scale models next year. He's working on a super-duper model that has the capacity to play ALL the keys w/o having tons of cumbersom coils building up around the lead pipe. His will be designed to have the crooks added to the middle of the horn. Imagine that? Anyway, thanks for the recommendation of the natural horn method book.
Valerie Wells
Re: My goals for 2010.
01:21 on Friday, January 8, 2010