Frenchhorn fingerings in Bb and Eb
22:12 on Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Re: Frenchhorn fingerings in Bb and Eb
10:49 on Wednesday, December 23, 2009
 FrenchHornPlayer 93
Posted by FrenchHornPlayer93
As far as I know, No, there are no Eb horn fingerings. A band I participate in has several pieces that have Eb horn parts and I transpose as I play and it sucks.
Trumpet fingerings can be used for French horn in F or the Bb side of a double French horn. But I've never tried it for a piece for Bb horn...I don't think that I've ever played a peice in Bb LOL If it works for you, that's awesome!
Re: Frenchhorn fingerings in Bb and Eb
12:42 on Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Re: Frenchhorn fingerings in Bb and Eb
15:17 on Saturday, January 2, 2010
Re: Frenchhorn fingerings in Bb and Eb
10:20 on Sunday, January 3, 2010
 FrenchHornPlayer 93
Posted by FrenchHornPlayer93
I've heard about those extra crooks and pipes that completely changes the French horns key LOL