Writing a Resume

Writing a Resume    18:43 on Saturday, December 26, 2009          

(200 points)
Posted by Fredrick

I have to write a resume to send in the the Princeton Optional Arts Form. Can anyone help me? I think I'm doing it right, but any advice would be extremely helpful (things I should do, things I should not do, how to organize it, etc.). The exact wording is as follows:

"Attach a resume that summarizes your experience as well as years studied, arts programs attended, names of teachers/groups worked with, repertoire studied (if applicable), and awards won."


Since this is in addition to my application, would it be understandable if I were to leave some basic information off of my resume? I know most people would understand it, but would the admissions office be happy with it?

Re: Writing a Resume    19:03 on Saturday, December 26, 2009          

(1279 points)
Posted by JOhnlovemusic

Do not assume the application and the resume will always be together. Put the correct information on the resume.

Chose to do it either alphabetically or sequencially. (don't do both). Don't make up something. DOn't put down you were 1st chair in orchestra claissico, if you only sat 1st once when the 1st chair player was sick. Be honest and put down that you were 3rd and substituted for 1st on 2 concerts.

Re: Writing a Resume    23:40 on Sunday, December 27, 2009          

(200 points)
Posted by Fredrick

What's the difference (if any) between 'principal' and '1st chair'? Which would look nicer on a resume? Also, how would you suggest I word how I took lessons? I took lessons on and off for the past couple of years. I know what I want to say, but I can't figure out how to make it sound non-country hick-ish compared to the rest of my resume.

Re: Writing a Resume    07:49 on Monday, December 28, 2009          

(1279 points)
Posted by JOhnlovemusic

Yes, there is difference between principal and 1st chair. Look at your programs from your concerts and see what your conductor/director listed you as. Which sounds better? The one that is going to match what they see if they ever look at that concert program. (some places will request to see copies of your programs, which is a good reason to save one from each concert).

Principal typically includes a variety of responsibilities. Where as 1st chair indicates a placement in the section, but you are not held responsible for the playing and actions of the other Horn players. If you're principal and the 3rd Horn makes a mistake, YOU are responsible for that.

The fact that you took lessons is good. If you took lessons from the same person just list that persons name and that you studied with him or her from June of 2002 until May of 2004.

Joe Dillard Mune 2002 - May 2004.

If you took from different people then list their name and the dates of lessons.
Mary Joeseph June 2002 - Sept 2002
Mark MeGuire April 2003 - July 2003
Milton Berle Sept 2003 - Novmember 2003.

A resume is just stating facts. Just state your facts. Now, if you get an audition or an interview they might want to know why their are lapses in your private lessons. So be prepared to to give an honest answer as to why there is space.


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