We would like to buy a soft gig bag for our daughter’s Yamaha 667D French horn. This protec (see link below) looks good and is reasonably priced but in reading the reviews some people say it is not big enough for the Yamaha 667D bell which sits taller than most cut bells. I have found that some recommend this one from Thomson Edition because it is especially designed with extra bell height for the Yamaha. I think this one is a good option and we may go with it but I was wondering if there are any other good cases that you would recommend that would fit the Yamaha 667D. Thank you very much, Kent
Something to consider: A fixed bell gig bag. I play a detachable bell horn, but I carry it to gigs in a ProTec bag made for a fixed bell horn. I LOVE not having to take the bell off and on everytime I go out. I also think it provides for less wear and tear on the horn. The only time I remove the bell is when I travel and carry it in the flat case.
Thanks Valerie. We will consider the fixed bell case too. You are like our daughter. She doesn't like to put the horn together each time but we are waiting a while to see if she gets used to it and will go from there.