Bringing H200 descant with me on Europe trip - anyone interested in buying it before I return?

Bringing H200 descant with me on Europe trip - anyone interested in buying it before I return?    16:30 on Tuesday, July 21, 2015          

(1 point)
Posted by leakatt_usa

I'm trying to figure out a creative solution to the old problem of how to keep in practice while on an extended trip. Through the passing of a dear friend, I inherited a replacement for my Holton H200 descant and no longer need it. If I can sell it while in Europe and the UK this September (U.S. value is around $3000), I could help finance the trip and avoid paying the extra baggage fee to return to the U.S. with the horn. So far, it looks as though my itinerary beginning 1-Sept will be London for 2 days, Prague until 8-Sept, then Dresden-Berlin-Hamburg until approx. 12-Sept, followed by an uncertain itinerary possibly returning to the UK and flying home from Edinburgh around 25-Sept. Does this idea sound too crazy? Is anyone interested in meeting me to try the horn along my trip? Or just meeting to talk horn or play horn? Ich kann auch deutsch.- Lea

Re: Bringing H200 descant with me on Europe trip - anyone interested in buying it before I return?    23:52 on Thursday, July 23, 2015          

(1 point)
Posted by willylau

Hi, I actually like your crazy idea. How much are you willing to sell it?


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