
tubafest    19:56 on Saturday, December 29, 2007          

(80 points)
Posted by captainpat

it is a festival that we have in montreal canada every year it is at a mall trombones euphoniums and tubas get together to play christmass music

Re: tubafest    00:45 on Sunday, May 18, 2008          

(136 points)
Posted by theTromboni

I can't say that I've ever before heard of someone other than a floutist disliking God's Gift to All Instruments.


or in any way disfavoring them

Re: tubafest    11:49 on Thursday, June 26, 2008          

(8 points)
Posted by BassBone12

I object!! BASSBONES RULE!! and contrabass......speaks for itself. Love the tuba as well though....GO LOW BRASS!!

Re: tubafest    10:00 on Saturday, June 28, 2008          

(200 points)
Posted by Fredrick

I've recently been thinking of getting a bass trombone. Does anybody know about how much a decent used one might cost?


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