Inexpensive Tuba

Inexpensive Tuba    19:23 on Thursday, January 3, 2008          

(1 point)
Posted by JMB

I'm a poor college tuba player who is facing graduation and doesn't want to give up playing since I have always used a school owned instrument. Any ideas where I can find one at a low price?

Re: Inexpensive Tuba    12:25 on Friday, January 4, 2008          

(208 points)
Posted by ekdavies

In the UK, practically all community brass bands and most wind/concert bands have tubas available for loan. (This isn't usually the case for orchestras).

A new "fancied" or "fashionable" tuba is expensive but you can also buy a used "has been" make for much less such as a Besson Imperial EEb or BBb in good condition for a few hundred pounds. Unfortunately, shipping it is expensive so you really need to by and collect it locally ...

Re: Inexpensive Tuba    17:18 on Sunday, February 3, 2008          

(41 points)
Posted by clarinet2

go to normans and you can get an Eb tuba for $574 its a basic tuba but still a tuba.

Re: Inexpensive Tuba    19:56 on Tuesday, February 5, 2008          

(41 points)
Posted by clarinet2

your right my bad

Re: Inexpensive Tuba    12:19 on Tuesday, March 11, 2008          

(4 points)
Posted by pastasauce

Good luck finding a cheap one. My brother's tuba cost almost $3,000 , But that was a 4 valve with a detachable bell.


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