JOhnlovemusic (1279 points)
I know of 99 reasons why the local repair shop might not be able repair his Tuba. There are 100 listed repair shops within close driving range of where I live. Of the 100 listed I recommend only one to my students and friends. Why? Because I have ended up fixing many instruments that were at the other 99 shops.
The experience in repair technicians today is far below from what it was years ago. Because of regulations and laws there are lots of repairs some shops can't do, and many will not refer them out or source them out because they are afraid of losing the customer to that out source. Many will not source out because of their own ignorance they don't think it can be done.
Luckily because of my experience, reputation, and relationship with my local repair shop I am able to supervise the few repairs they do to my instrument(s). The next closest shop I trust is 134 miles away, and the next one after that is 2500 miles.
If he wants a restoration type repair it is wise he does some research and find the best place.