JOhnlovemusic (1279 points)
It is great to remember your past Band Director so well. But, don't give this new guy the short shaft. Embrace the change and see what you can get from this new guy ( or maybe he can benefit learning something from you). At a young age when I was in what was known as Junior High school (7th, 8th, 9th) We had a different instructor each year. They were all different. The 1st year the guy was a 'whatever, whenever' type, teh 2nd year was "screw the school system I want to do it my way sarcastic and mean guy" and the 3rd guy was a " rule for everything - very military style guy". I learned an amazing amount from all of them. Funniest thing is later in life I played professional gigs with all of them.
On a second note, in college, my private instructor was promoted to Chairman of the department my Junior year. I cried when I found out I would not be having private lessons with him anymore. He was replaced by his wife - - - - -my Horn playing improved greatly under her tutoring ( I thought I was getting a raw deal and she made me better than he ever could, I thought he was almost a God, boy was I wrong).
Embrace the change and enjoy it.