Saying Good Luck on Opening Night (kind of pointless)...
Saying Good Luck on Opening Night (kind of pointless)... 07:23 on Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Account Closed (904 points)
Posted by Account Closed
When you put on your first big performance of the year, does anyone ever say "Good Luck"? It kind of shocks me when people say this (I think I'm the only one to say "Break a leg!"), because why would you want your first night to be a total disaster? Does anyone else agree? Call it superstitious, but I think it makes perfect sense that it is expected to not say "Good Luck" on opening night.
Re: Saying Good Luck on Opening Night (kind of pointless)... 12:44 on Wednesday, January 10, 2007
I think it's a way of sympathizing with the artist, but each one is free to like it or not. I would be upset (and start walking VERY carefully) if someone told me "break a leg" lol!
There is however a rational sense in the wish; IMO every performance, but most specifically the opening night requires its dose of good luck. The nice thing is that nature likes to provide it and often makes the opening night the best performance in the series. Or so it looks.
Re: Saying Good Luck on Opening Night (kind of pointless)... 20:08 on Monday, January 15, 2007
well, I'm one to say 'Break a leg!' becasue I'm afraid that it's bad luck to say 'Good luck!' If someone says 'Good luck!' to me I'm like 'Shh! Don't say that!' because the first time it happened I forgot the words to a song I had to sing so I'm all for the 'Break a leg!'
Re: Saying Good Luck on Opening Night (kind of pointless)... 21:35 on Friday, March 9, 2007
For a theatre person, I'm amazingly not superstitious, but it is a long habit (and when I say long, I mean 38 years!) to say "Break a leg" - mainly because that's what I was taught was appropriate!