
Dracula    14:16 on Wednesday, February 14, 2007          

(2369 points)
Posted by jose_luis

I saw an unknown (for me) musical last week, Dracula.

Music and Lyrics ar from Cebrian-Mahler and the words are in Spanish.

Nice music in general, but lacking singable and memorable melodies that make the success of other musicals that so become popular.

Re: Dracula    09:12 on Thursday, June 21, 2007          

(407 points)
Posted by Triforce

"Bwah, bwah, i vant to suck vour blood"

thats Dracula for you.

Re: Dracula    09:59 on Thursday, June 21, 2007          

(2369 points)
Posted by jose_luis


Re: Dracula    11:37 on Thursday, June 21, 2007          

Account Closed
(904 points)
Posted by Account Closed

Actually, the Count was more of a sophisticated gentleman. If you don't believe, read the novel by Bram Stoker, a wonderful piece of literature.

P.S. - I was going to go see the musical/stage work (not sure which version it was exactly) but my plans didn't allow it.


The first part of my comment was in reference to Triforce's.

Re: Dracula    13:04 on Thursday, June 21, 2007          

(2369 points)
Posted by jose_luis

I was disappointed when I saw it, but it could have been a bad version.

This coming Saturday I take part in a school representation of Les Misérables (concert version in english).

I play Javert and sing "Stars" and the two main chorus ("Do you hear the people sing" and "At the end of the Day"). I have taken Phillip Quast as my model for Javert (i.e I rather imitate him to the extent I am capable, including his wonderful accent).

But anyway it is fun and in total we are four male singers and three girls for the other solo parts. All much, much younger than me. But this adds to the fun!

This musical (as most of them) is difficult because of the mixed registers it demands for the singers. Star is OK for a Baritone or even Bass-Baritone, buy in fact I am more a second Tenor. I have been developing my lower register this year (though it would have been more important if I had worked more on my upper register....but that was less fun... I leave it for next year.

I am quite scared because the production is too much improvised and anything can fail.
Probably the singers will be the only ones who will not fail...hopefully.

Re: Dracula    21:45 on Thursday, June 21, 2007          

Account Closed
(904 points)
Posted by Account Closed

I wish that our school could put on a performance of Les Mis, but I personally would like to play Thenardier, but that's just me...

Re: Dracula    03:02 on Friday, June 22, 2007          

(2369 points)
Posted by jose_luis

Master of the House, nice song. The fellow student who sings that one is quite in his role.

This is a concert performance, by one group and our teacher of the private school of music I have been attending these past years.

It is more or less static and with neutral black dresses for everybody. This way it is not so difficult to prepare, it depends on how far into the acting part (i.e very little) they want to go and the resources available.

I have spent lot of time in preparing my role and I have also translated into Spanish most of the songs, but just to distribute some copies of the lyrics in both English and Spanish. We sing in English and this is an added difficulty for the "public" here. (i.e the "public will be mostly our families and acquaintances).

If we can overcome the almost predictable chaos, I think they will have fun. We will do, in any case!.

Re: Dracula    13:42 on Saturday, June 23, 2007          

(2369 points)
Posted by jose_luis

Well, the concert took place today...... and the miracle happened!.

Yes, everything run as expected, there were no big problems, everybody remembered the lyrics, no one got lost with the recorded music, etc. And we had lots of fun!

The place had too much reverberation and this added some difficulty, but it was OK. So we are all very happy and satisfied and looking forward for the next performance....

Re: Dracula    18:40 on Sunday, June 24, 2007          

Account Closed
(904 points)
Posted by Account Closed

Happy to hear that it went well!

Re: Dracula    18:54 on Wednesday, July 18, 2007          

(407 points)
Posted by Triforce

i know, i think i've read it, or 1/2 of it, but i like the steryotypical one better.

"muh va va va va va!"

Re: Dracula    16:56 on Tuesday, October 2, 2007          

(2369 points)
Posted by jose_luis



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